Chinese New Year Kindergarten Fun

Chinese New year is one of my favorite thematic units to teach, and always a favorite with my students as well! Because of the richness of the Chinese culture it is a great time to introduce students to the cultures of others building tolerance and love for all people.

To make this fun hat, simply copy this circle on red tag, and enlarge as desired. Cut out and then bend to make a wide cone; staple. In this picture, I had the kids do an elaborate design, but my favorite thing is to give the kids a small brush and have them write a Chinese Character such as this one that says love. You can also place the character directly on the hat before copying on red paper. This year I had some old T-shirts so I died them read to add to the fun.

I have already been gathering my favorite books and ordering a few supplies so that I am ready for the day of Gung Hay Fat Choy. My affiliate links show a few of the things I use each year. I love to give my students red envelopes to bring luck to their new year, and I use the chopsticks for reading the room or guided room activities as well as using them as intended, to eat rice!

This song is so sweet and special, I love to use it! Afterwards I use my shortened version to the tune of The Nobel Duke of York (the free poster is below).

If you have musical instruments in your classroom, kids love to march around and play along with these fun songs.

Of course, quality literature is a much. I have tried many titles and have settled on these as my all-time favorites.

Our Chinese New Year unit is divided into areas of literature, music, art, literacy, math, independent practice, creative writing, word wall, and guided reading. The activities are clearly written, easy to use, and need limited amounts of preparation. 


Each our units contain a well-organized planning guide.

All activities are clearly written for delivery

All materials for each activity are engaging, well organized, and ready to copy, laminate, and store for years and years to come.

Literacy Activities

Karate School-Kicking Vowels: Vowels

Chinese Blossom Festival: Demonstrating Graphophonemic Knowledge of Alphabet Letters

Beware The Chinese Dragon: Replacing Initial Consonants

The Lantern Race: Naming Alphabet Letter Sounds Fluently

The Lantern Race: Naming Sight Words Fluently

Lantern Walk: Writing Letters

Lantern Letters: Writing Lowercase Letters

Middle Sounds: Identifying Middle Sounds in Words

Math Activities

Dragon Squeeze: Identify a Given Number by Using Greater Than and Less Than

Building Teen Number: Building Numbers Using Tens and Ones

Light The Lanterns: Comparing Numerals to 20

The Missing Dragons: Ordering Numbers 0-20

Dragon Squeeze

China Number Hunt: Write the Room Math Journal Activity

Art Projects

Chinese Dragon Fan

Chinese Dragon 

Paper Chinese Lantern


Gung Hay Fat Choy

Dragon Dance

Writing Prompts/Word Wall

China Word Wall Words

Chinese New Year Zodiac Chart

What I Know About China

Gung Hay Fat Choy

Guided Reading Books

The Dragon

Gung Hay Fat Choy

What people are saying about this unit...

I loved using this with my children! Thank you!
What a nice variety of activities! Thank you.
My students really enjoyed this stuff, it helped them gain an understanding of the specific concept they were learning.
Very helpful in planning my unit!
My kinders truly enjoyed the activities! Thank you!
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Kathy Crane