
It's no secret that one of my favorite parts of the kindergarten classroom is the science center! This year I introduced it to my students through the concepts of magnification and magnifying tools. One of the first things I purchased for this center was a set of GIANTmicrobes. These fun stuffed plushies replicate the look of real microscopic organisms and cells. The children loved looking at these cute little critters under the microscope.

Besides exploring the GIANTmicrobes, I also had the children also look for tiny alphabet shaped confetti at the sensory table using fine motor tools.

One of the children's favorite games from this science center was a bingo game where they drew a teeny tiny picture and had to use the magnifying glass to find out if the picture was on their bingo board.

They also loved playing a matching game with pictures printed at different levels of magnification. They were amazed to learn how vibrant and alive the microscopic world is!

You can find all of these games and activities to start your own science center in our STEM Skills: Magnification unit. It is available here or through Teachers Pay Teachers.

STEM Skills: Magnification

Recently, I was contacted by GIANTmicrobes and asked to review their products. This was request I was glad to fulfill as I love these little guys already! This time I decided to get some body cells for the children to examine in the skeleton science center. The children have loved looking at the brain cell, red blood cell, bone cell, and muscle cell in tandem with real bones! These little guys are a great addition to any science center!

You can get your own GIANTmicrobes by visiting!

Sale Price: $7.00 Original Price: $8.00
STEM Skills: Insects

These amazon affiliate links will take you to some of my very favorite GIANTmicrobes!

Kathy Crane