Are You Making The Most of ESGI?

ESGI has amazing features that I think many are missing.  It is time to have some ESGI FOMO!

Because I have moved to a new district, that luckily were already ESGI users, I am now having first hand realization that not everyone knows or is taking advantage of  ESGI's great features. Today I am going to point out two of my favorite features of ESGI that you do not want to miss. (That's right, sometimes FOMO is a good thing).

1. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of pre-made tests on ESGI! Because such a great selection of tests are already there, why would anyone reinvent the wheel! The best part, the majority of the pre-loaded ESGI tests have been created by curriculum experts. People with amazing credentials, experience, and know-how. For example, if you or your district need a test on phoneme segmentation, before creating one of your own, be sure to visit the test explorer and use the search bar to find tests that are ready for your use. You can find by category name or by typing in the Common Core Standard. ESGI have approved all of these tests to be of top quality.  

2. Make sure that your tests are the same from trimester-to-trimester or quarter-to-quarter. There is nothing more frustrating than to test a child on beginning sounds 1st quarter and then move to your district made tab to find the 2nd quarter test on beginning sounds is a completely different test! WHAT! I am now certainly missing out on some of my favorite ESGI tools!

The blue test on the right was the initial sound test given at the end of 1st quarter. The yellow test shows the initial sound test I am required to give for 2nd quarter. Now how does this help me? I have this great tool, ESGI, and I now have no way to use the history tab and other data features to measure, track, and disaggregate important data to provide targeted intervention!  So rule number 2, Start with the end in mind! Sent up your end of the year tests first and work backwards by design! You will be glad you did every time you need to do an RTI report, send home progress on a specific skill to parents, or when it is time to use your data for grouping students.

If you are looking for a place to start using quality, research-based assessments you can find great publications by the Friends of ESGI. Following are the paper copies of the assessments that are free with your ESGI subscription.  If you are not yet an ESGI subscription then what are you waiting for? Use code B7277 to save $40.00.

Kathy Crane