Around The World Holidays: Non Christian Celebrations
One of my favorite ways to introduce multicultural concepts in my classroom is through an introduction to different holidays during December. For, as Nancy Stewart makes clear in her song A Season For Singing, there is nothing more universal than celebration!
You can get more information and resources on Nancy's song page.
Another great resource at this time of year is Scholastic's 20 Holiday Adventures video (and it's only $5 too)! You can purchase it through this affiliate link.
Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr is a Muslim celebration that occurs after Ramadan (a month of fasting and prayer). The date of Eid is determined by the crescent moon and occurs in the summer or fall.
Find more information on this song at Nancy's website.
Find more information on this song on Nancy's website.
While discussing Ramadan and Eid in our classroom, we make a crescent moon, learn vocabulary, and play a high frequency word game.
Kwanzaa is an African American holiday that celebrates African American culture and heritage. The celebration begins on December 26 and lasts for seven days.
Go here to find the original page for this song at Nancy's website.
While learning about Kwanzaa we learn about the seven principles of Kwanzaa, make a Kinara, and play a phonetic game with nonsense words.
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated between November and January. The holiday celebrates a miracle that occurred in the Jewish temple when the menorah burned for eight nights even though there was only enough oil for one night.
You can get more information and resources for this wonderful song on Nancy's song page.
While learning about Hanukkah we learn the Dreidel song, make a star of David and a menorah, and practice reading CVC words.
Diwali is a five day Hindu festival of lights that is celebrated between October and November.
Get more information on this song on Nancy's website.
While learning about Diwali we make a rangoli and practice blending and segmenting.
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Here are some of the customer reviews on this unit:
“great multicultural work! looking forward to using it again this year”
“Excellent resource for this time of the year. Thanks.”
“Perfect for my class of diverse learners :)”
“I love this idea, I can’t wait to implement these holidays”