Post Office Dramatic Play Center

Probably one of my favorite Dramatic Play opportunities during the school year, is The Valentine Post Office. I purchased the postman costumes years (and years) ago from Lakeshore, here are some available on Amazon. They are adorable, and consist of a jacket, a hat and a mailbag. If you do not have costumes, you can find many templates for postal worker hats online , or simply make your own as a headband, or do the Post Office without costumes.

Next, fill the playhouse with TONS of writing paper. I have scraps of paper, paper cut as hearts, paper that is ran as cards to cut out, and so-on. Add some markers, pencils, crayons, stamps, or anything else you can think of. Include lots of Valentine making materials: Cards, hearts, stamps, stickers, envelopes, papers, stencils, etc. Display some valentine words that you can make on your own or find in our Valentines Thematic Unit. Next make a mailbox that has a cubby for each student. You can purchase such a cubby ( find one in your school storage space), or even make one by stapling milk boxes, with the tops cut off, together to make a shelf-looking structure. Whichever you choose, don’t forget to label the boxes so students will know how to deliver their mail.

Make sure you display in full view, your students’ names (with pictures) to assist letter writing.

Before opening the center to my students, I give them one main rule: The post office is for writing letters! You  can add pictures to finish your writing, but you must write first! This is when my independent writing moves to a new level, and I love it!

The kids have a great time making Valentines and delivering them to one another, while practicing their emerging writing skills in an authentic way! Hip Hip Hooray for dramatic play!!

Enjoy promoting kindness and caring as your students practice their emergent reading and writing skills in an engaging, play-based way.

Sale Price: $7.00 Original Price: $8.00
Kathy CraneDramatic Play, Writer