Kindergarten or Preschool Graduation End-of-the-Year Program Songs and Posters

Whether you are planning a graduation like I am, a celebration, or simply want some great end of the year songs to celebrate your classroom community, here are some great choices for you! All of the posters have link to music as found below.

Bring On The Songs

The song, All We're Meant To Be, is written by Steven Vogel and can be found here. The children enjoy singing its thoughtful melody as it washes the brains with endorphins. Both the words and the melody are touching. In the words of Cooper, one of my students, "This song is beautiful, it makes tears in my eyes."

Several years ago I ran across a treasure! Her name is Nancy Stewart. If you are an early childhood educator and have not yet been introduced to her fabulous, age-appropriate music, I am happy that I can introduce her to you! This great song, We Are Singing With The Children of the World, is always a class favorite. You can download the sheet music, vocal performance and instrumental versions of this song

The next little ditty, Kindergarten Graduates is an original song to the tune of Twinkle Little Star. Making up songs that are personal to your classroom and/or students is easy if you hook the words to an original tune. Did you know that you can sing almost any song to the tune of Oscar Meyer Weiner? You can and it is great fun! My students love singing favorite songs to familiar tunes. For example, try singing Mary Had a Little Lamb to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

 I absolutely love the Russian folksong, May There Always Be Sunshine! I especially love the version by Jim Gill. His singing is so appropriate for young children, and he always brings his songs to the next level. Dr. Jean also has many tools that can be used with this song. I love making a class book using this song as a base to culminate our kindergarten year!

Another song that I love to do with my students is  I Like School. I always begin school with this song, and so it is always fun to pull it out in the spring of the year and revisit it! It makes a great program song because the kids LOVE it!

This song, I am a Promise, by The Bill Gaither Trio, is a inspirational song that speaks to promise and potential. You can get the sheet music for free here. I adapted the words to match the song to a school setting with school objectives. 

The song I Can Change the World by Jeff Johnson is a motivational song that demonstrates the promise of a brighter future through song.

The song Goodbye Kindergarten is an original song I wrote to the tune of Billy Boy as recorded by Singlish. This song is special to me because it not only notes the end of a kindergarten year, but I wrote it the year I left a school where I had taught for 20 years.

Increase The Learning

You can increase the learning for each of these songs by adding physicality to them. One easy way to do so is through sign language. My go-to sign language resource is Signing Savvy. I also like Baby Sign Language, which simplifies the process. If you get really serious about teaching sign language, you can also invest in Signing Time, a program that builds language and vocabulary through song.

Extend The Learning

I love to make this portfolio page or poster as we learn the Jack Johnson song we are singing at graduation. 

If you want to join in the fun, you can purchase the clip art here or at our TPT store.


This Craftivity and Graduation Essentials Include:

A “Graduation Me” Craftivity and bulletin board display ideas

Graduation Invitation (Two Size Choices and Style Choice)

Graduation Program Covers (Black and White)

Graduation Program Covers (Full Color)

Graduation Diplomas (Black and White)

Graduation Diplomas (Full Color)


Download these song posters here! Or you can find them at our TPT store.

Kathy Crane