Scarecrow Theme Unit

Want to have some scarecrow fun in your classroom? Celebrating scarecrows is a great holiday-free fall theme. In the fall time of the year, scarecrows are everywhere, and face it — everyone loves scarecrows!

One of my favorite family-time activities is to put the scarecrow on my own front porch to welcome fall visitors. I found that bringing the love of my own family-time scarecrow activity into the classroom is not only fun for my students, enjoyable for myself, but also serves as a great vehicle for academic learning — scarecrow style.

All areas of the curriculum can be easily covered with cross-curricular flair, whether it be developing language singing Dingle-Dangle Scarecrow, blending sounds together playing Spin a Scarecrow, using pattern blocks to make a larger shape out of smaller shapes as a scarecrow is constructed, or even eating a scarecrow after making a healthy rice cake scarecrow. My students love the scarecrow writing center, writing the room, reading a scarecrow guided reader at my guided reading table, constructing a shape scarecrow, and much more!

One of my favorite family take-home activities is to ask for my students to build a scarecrow to share in our “Scarecrow Gallery.” Families really enjoy sending these creations to school. And—- for those who are not able to create at home, we have a scarecrow workshop hour (or two) where we can work in groups to create just the right scarecrow, so all of the friends in our classroom can share a creation. It is pretty easy to get some old clothes donated to your cause, just ask!

There are many books that will add to the scarecrow learning in your classroom. Here are a few of my favorites…

You will love the fun that comes when you invite scarecrows into your classroom!
