Dinosaur Thematic Unit Kathy CraneApril 23, 2015Common Core, Dinosaurs, Thematic Teaching, Thematic UnitComment
Kindergarten: Let's Remember It's Purpose Kathy CraneApril 21, 2015Developmentally AppropriateComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Compensation, Unitizing, and the Landscape of Learning AynMarch 22, 2015Common Core, MathComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Part-Whole Relationships AynMarch 20, 2015Common Core, Math, Number SenseComment
Number Sense and the Common Core: Hierarchical Inclusion, Magnitude and Subitizing AynMarch 19, 2015Common Core, Math, Number SenseComment
Kindergarten Retention: What is the Right Call? Kathy CraneMarch 17, 2015Common Core, Kindergarten, RetentionComment
St. Patrick's Day Common Core Thematic Unit Kathy CraneMarch 9, 2015Common Core, Thematic UnitComment
Kindergarten Astronauts and The Common Core Kathy CraneMarch 6, 2015Common Core, Space, Thematic TeachingComment