Alphabet Zoo Phonics Reading Complete Bundle

Alphabet Zoo Phonics Reading Complete Bundle


Also Available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

This adorable set of letter sounds/digraph/diphtong/r-controlled/long vowel sound cards will be just the anchor your early learners will need to learn their alphabet letters and sounds. These cards contain three versions for your personal choice.

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This bundle also includes three packets of worksheets, one per sound card.

A word wall is also included to extend the learning.

Animals Include:
Allie Alligator
Benny Bear
Cami Cat
Danny Deer
Ed Elephant
Freddy Frog
Gabby Gorilla
Henry Horse
Izzy Insect
Jack Jellyfish
Katie Kangaroo
Leo Lion
Molly Mouse
Nelly Newt
Oscar Octopus
Peter Penguin
Quincy Quail
Rosie Rabbit
Sammy Snake
Titus Tiger
Umber Umbrella Bird
Vincent Bampire Bat
Winnie Weasel
Max Fox
Yetta Yak
Zeke Zebra

Lowdon Owl
Thrissa Thrush
Shawny Shark
Charley Chick
Oona Goose
Wheeler Whale
Joy Oyster
Dawn MaCaw
Inga Duckling

April Angel Fish
Easton Eel
Ida Ibis
Owen Okapi
Ulla Unicorn
Mark Aardvark
Orin Orangutan
Erma Ermine

Alphabet Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics original-2002137-1.jpg

Alphabet Handwriting Worksheets Alphabet Zoo Phonics

Alphabet Games Zoo Phonics Animals demoAnimalZooEarlyReadingGames2042353.jpeg

Alphabet Games Zoo Phonics Animals

Sale Price:$3.00 Original Price:$4.00
Alphabet Zoo Phonics Crown Headbands Alphabet Headbands.jpeg

Alphabet Zoo Phonics Crown Headbands

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Early Alphabet Activites and Games

Letter Sound Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics demoAnimalZooLetterSoundAnchorCards2002114.jpeg

Letter Sound Anchor Cards Alphabet Zoo Phonics
