BURRR: A Game to Build Sight Word or Letter or Letter Sound Automaticy

BURRR: A Game to Build Sight Word or Letter or Letter Sound Automaticy
Also Available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Reach Common Core Early Reading Objectives (grades Pre-K through 2nd grade, special education, and/or ELL) the fun way by playing the game BURRRRR. As found in all of our available thematic units, this lesson is presented as a scripted lesson for easy delivery and confidence that objectives will be met. Ideas to use this game for independent practice are also included. Enjoy our new free product, we know your students will!
“This will be so fun and thanks to your thoughtfulness I can use it with students who need sight word practice OR letter identification practice. Thank you!”
“My students love this. Thank you.”
“Thank you for sharing!”
“great resource!!!”