RTI or Conference Homework Winter Packet: Kindergarten

RTI or Conference Homework Winter Packet: Kindergarten


Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

Are you looking for some great homework Intervention or RTI helps that are Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered? You will love this NO-PREP option. (Which includes a Spanish Translated Option)

Offer concrete help to parents as you build a bridge between school and home, by offering this Intervention Packet as a way for parents to extend the learning at home. These great family games will not only provide additional teaching opportunities for kindergarten skills, they will also give parents opportunity to become familiar with academic concepts and their child's academic strength and weaknesses first hand.

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Planes: An alphabet sound game
Letter/Sound Fluency: Two fluency practice sheets
Matching Middles: A phonemic awareness activity
Find the Picture: A blending/segmenting game
Letter Writing: Handwriting practice
Sight Word Study: A sight word activity
Color The Shape: A math activity
Number Bingo: A 0-20 game.

Purchased this last year, but continue to use it as a resource to give out at parent teacher conferences for those children who need extra practice. Thanks so much!
Parents love this!!
WOW!!!! I (my kids and parents too) love your homework packets! Thank you so much for continuing to add more and more!!!!
Great resource. Thank you!
RTI or Conference Homework Spring Packet: Kindergarten spring homework.jpg

RTI or Conference Homework Spring Packet: Kindergarten

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Common Core English/Language Arts Assessments:Kindergarten

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Early Reading Benchmark Assessments

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Kindergarten Assessments Math Common Core

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RTI or Conference Homework Fall Packet: Kindergarten
