Kindergarten Decodable Books Wonders Units 6 to 10

Kindergarten Decodable Books Wonders Units 6 to 10
Wonders Kindergarten Readers
Do you wish you had readers that practice the actual sight words and alphabet letters taught during the week, as well as practicing the skills of past lessons? Books that are actually child-friendly, that can be their own book to mark, circle, color and then take home?Books that follow the current research that kids learn best when using decodable books that progress through skills in a way that encourages review? I did! This desire led to the perfect early reading series of books.
These delightful readers are a must to complement theReadingWonderscurriculum for Kindergarten, or the perfect books foranyonelooking for sequential books thatspiralskills taught with a logical sequence.
These books feature the readingWonderssequence of sight word introduction, and practice the decoding of words made only from letters as they are introduced throughout each unit. This set features Wonders Reading Units 6-10
Includes words from Units 1-5: I, can, the we, see, a, like, to, and, go, you, do, my, are, with, he. ThenContinues with the words as ordered in Units 6-10: with, is, little, she, was for, have, of, they, said, want, here, me, this, what, help, too, has, play, look, where, good, who come, does.
The letter order for Units 1-5are: m, a, s, p, t, i, c, n, d, i, o, h, e, f, r. This set continues with those letters and then the remaining letters as introduced in Units 6-10.
Each book contains flashcards for new sight words as well as a read and write practice worksheet.
Contents include:
Unit 6 Week 1:Is it Red
Unit 6 Week 2:The Pest
Unit 6 Week 3:My Little Cat
Unit 7 Week 1:I Have
Unit 7 Week 2:Sharing
Unit 7 Week 3:I Want
Unit 8 Week 1:Presents
Unit 8 Week 2:A Fun Bug
Unit 8 Week 3:The Bags
Unit 9 Week 1:Help
Unit 9 Week 2:Ben and Sal
Unit 9 Week 3:Snacks
Unit 10 Week 1:A Good Cat
Unit 10 Week 2:The Pups
Unit 10 Week 3:Where is Nan
© Kathy Crane
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