My Body Is An Instrument: Storybook To Promote Body Positivity

My Body Is An Instrument: Storybook To Promote Body Positivity
Product Description
This book teaches young children that their body is valuable, not because of how it looks, but because of all the amazing things they can do with it: like running, swimming, jumping, smiling, and learning.
Body Positivity is an important lifeskill that needs to be fostered and developed. Physical and non-physical attributes need to be celebrated! In todays society, children need to feel their own value and self-worth rather than the reflection of air-brushed magazine role-models. We are all special in our own special ways.
The book contains both colored and black and white copies. May be used as a whole group storybook or used in small groups as a Level G reader.
Check out the full preview of the book here:
Contains two companion worksheets
For games, songs, and ideas to instill a growth mindset, check out our: