Summer Homework Calendar

Summer Homework Calendar
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Product Description
This easy to make summer homework calendar offers ideas for parents to keep academic skills sharp during summer months, in a very user-friendly way. Help your students lessen that summer slide by providing this distance learning homework.
Simply copy, add a class or individual photograph, bind, and your students will have 3 months of productive summer fun and an adorable calendar to hang. This product includes calendar starts for all seven days so your purchase can be easily used year after year.
© Kathy Crane Kindergarten Kiosk
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Simply copy, add a class photograph, bind, and your students will have 3 months of productive summer fun and an adorable calendar to hang. Each year, simply check for the updates and you will always have the next's years calendar ready to go.
New this year, calendar has both color and black and white options.
Want to have the best available monthly homework packets?
“Thank you for creating this! Can’t wait to send home soon, since our last day is June 20th. You are a lifesaver!”
“Planning to send this home in a summer packet!”
“This will be great to send home with my incoming students on transition day tomorrow!”
“Love this for fun ideas for parents to do over summer break!”