Cutting, Gluing, & Drawing: Fine Motor Practice

Cutting, Gluing, & Drawing: Fine Motor Practice
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Build your child’s (students') fine motor skills as well as develop confidence by using these fine motor activities. Each category begins with novice activities and then moves forward in complexity; aiding development.
Cutting with Scissors:
Help the Airplane Fly
Chugging Train
Astronaut Journey
Alien Adventure
Frog Hop
In the Pond, Dragonfly
Robots I
Robots II
Vroom I
Vroom II
Cowboys I
Cowboys II
Cutting Shapes I
Cutting Shapes II
Using Glue:
Glue Practice
Gluing Zig Zag
Glue a Star
Glue a Smile
Glue a Robot
Glue a Bear
Glue a Tree
Glue a House
Drawing Practice:
Dot to Dot
Drawing Vertical Lines
Drawing Horizontal Lines
Drawing Curve Lines
Drawing Circles
Drawing, Cutting, & Gluing:
Make a Tree
Make a Car
Make a Castle
Make a Dog
Make a Bird
Make a Person
Total Pages: 54
“Great resource, thanks for sharing.”
“I liked this product. Good for practicing different skills.”
“Excellent practice!”
“I loved having choices and all in one place. This will be perfect for my new kiddos. Thanks so much!”