Little Passports

This weekend my grandchildren got to try out Little Passports. The company sent me the first three months of their "Early Explorers" and "World Edition" for them play and learn with. E. (who is 3) tried out the "Early Explorers" edition. He received an orange suitcase with a "passport" of activities about the continents of the world, plus a colorful map, and stickers of his new pen pals Max, Mia, and Toby. He loved reading about his new pen pals and enjoyed the activities so much he wanted to do them all over again, so we started over and traced over his writing with his finger so that he could pretend to do them again. The next package talked about World Landmarks and came with  a cute set of small landmarks for him to place on the map. The third package discussed music around the world and came with a cute CD of world music. E. loved these activities so much we decided to order the rest of the year (plus an additional suitcase so that his little sister doesn't have to be jealous any more).

T. is trying out the World Edition. This edition focuses on a specific country instead of a theme. So far he's learned about Japan and Brazil. He doesn't love the program as much as his brother (although he wants to continue with it too) and I think that's because he's 6 and may still be a little young, so, if you're on the fence about which package to get, I suggest you err on the side of the younger program.

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