Creating Portfolios

Student portfolios are simply a systematic collection of children's work that depicts samples of typical daily work, or areas of growth and development. This collection serves as a documentation of development and provides authentic assessment of growth over time. 

Here are my portfolio binders ready to go for my new kindergartners. I simply use a 1 1/2 inch clear-view binder, add an end sheet and a front cover in the clear view, and they are ready to accept children's artifacts.

I love portfolios, my students love portfolios and parents love portfolios! I had two graduating seniors visit me once with their Kindergarten Portfolios in tow. Consequently, I would venture to say that even their children will love portfolios.

I have a few portfolio helps that might help you get started if you are new to portfolios or wish to gain new ideas to enhance your portfolios.

Find out more on our podcast Creating Student Portfolios.
