Short Vowel Interventions

Teaching Children to Read!

Systematic and Explicit Instruction in Reading the Short Vowel Sounds in CVC Words

One of my favorite parts of teaching is when I’ve been working with a small group of students, trying to help them get to the next stage of their academic development, and after days, or weeks, or months of lessons, suddenly, it all comes together! You see them make the connections, and, finally, they are there!

I have seen this happen again and again in all levels of reading difficulties! I especially enjoy that lightbulb moment with my students who are having difficulty understanding the alphabetic principle (that letters represent sounds and that these sounds can be put together to make words) and difficulty learning to decode words. After providing strategic, targeted intervention, watching students finally read their first short vowel CVC word is a great moment! One where I can see they have grasped how print works and they are on their journey to become an independent life-long reader! The world is now theirs!


Reading Intervention Lessons That Work

Our lessons follow the progression that I have used over and over again to teach students who have mastered the alphabet, and mastered how to put those sounds together to start reading words.

These lessons follow scientific reading research, that important research of how the brain learns to read. Research that began 20 years ago with the report from the National Reading Panel and has evolved to clear methods of reading instruction. Methods that work because they address how children learn to read!

The lessons include scripted lessons that explicitly explain to students how closed syllable CVC words work in English, and gives them multiple opportunities to practice reading them through word lists, passages, and decodable readers.

The lessons are designed to be given to students in the order a, e, i, o, and then u. Each set of lessons are designed to be given in order, although you may wish to adjust the pace of the lessons according to the progress your own students are making, moving forward more quickly as they grasp concepts, or slowing down to allow for more scaffolded practice.

I created these lessons because I needed small group lessons for my students who need more support than the Tier 1 curriculum provided (or nonexistent as in many cases). I needed something that would be ready to go in order to provide a logical sequence of instruction and thoughtful support. They are perfect for students who need additional practice and more explicit and systematic instruction, for students who are ready to move beyond the alphabet, or for parents longing to help their struggling readers!

I can’t wait until you get to see those “ah ha” moments in your students as they progress through these lessons. Please reach out through our email and tell me all about it!

Take a look at a lesson….

Purchase individual lessons or the whole bundle!

Short Vowel Aa Intervention For Struggling Readers
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Short Vowel Ii Intervention For Struggling Readers
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Short Vowel Ee Intervention For Struggling Readers
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Short Vowel Oo Intervention For Struggling Readers
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Short Vowel Uu Intervention For Struggling Readers
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