Our Planet Earth Activities

Celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, or any day when it comes to saving our planet and celebrating Earth!

I love to celebrate Earth Day when Spring is awakening the beauties of the earth. Whether you celebrate our planet for a week or a day, take note of this special day.

Take a walk, plant flowers, or pick up litter with your students. Have a discussion around the concept of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Play a game, construct or paint a replica of the Earth. Whatever you do, it will help your students develop a greater awareness of their role in taking care of our Planet.

Learning about our planet can be as simple as placing a recycle bin in your classroom. Students quickly engage in saving the earth one scrap of recycling at a time.

Connecting our beautiful planet earth to across the curriculum academic learning helps student connect to think outside of themselves and consider the care of the beautiful world in which we live.

Here are a couple of books that I like to enjoy with my students.


Here is a fun activity my students always enjoy:

First: Cut out a blue circle.

  1. Glue some irregular green shapes onto the blue.

  2. Place a pair of hands (trace hands or use die-cut hands) so they are holding the “earth.”

  3. Make a sign (i.e. The earth is in our hands.) to place between the hands.

For more detailed directions of this project or other Earth day learning games and materials, check out our Earth Day unit. For ideas, songs, math and reading games, literacy activities, and a construct project, check out our Earth Day unit.

You may also want to use your Earth Day Thematic Unit as a springboard to the study of space, or as an introduction to Earth Science: Plants, rocks and dinosaurs. I love to incorporate an entire earth science extravaganza!

What people are saying…“The games you created in this unit supported the activities we were doing in the classroom for Earth Day very well. I was able to teach about Earth Day and know I was meeting some common core standards.”
