Planet Earth Thematic Unit

Planet Earth Thematic Unit
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Product Description
Celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, or any day when it comes to saving our planet and celebrating Our Earth!
This Thematic Earth Unit is filled with active, age-appropriate learning activities that are strategically linked to the core standards.
Contents Include:
Shared Reading Activities:
Joseph Had a Overcoat: Recycling
Mud: Sorting Middle Sounds
Literacy Activities
Earth Day Dominos: Naming Sight Words
Recycle It: Writing CVC Words or Alphabet Letters
Earth Day Order: Alphabetizing Letters
Math Activities
Grow a Tree: Joining Numbers to Make 10
Earth Day Lotto: Subtracting Numbers
Spring Clean Up: Composing Teen Numbers
I Love Earth: Writing Sums
Sight Word Reader
Our Earth
Earth Day Word Wall
Writing Prompts: My Planet Earth
Art Projects
The Earth is in Our Hands
Take Care of The Earth
I Love the Mountains
Earth Day
Earth Day: Ideas for the Day or Week
Pond Independent Writing Center Activities
Contents Include:
Shared Reading Activities:
Joseph Had a Overcoat: Recycling
Mud: Sorting Middle Sounds
Literacy Activities:
Earth Day Dominos: Naming Sight Words
Recycle It: Writing CVC Words or Alphabet Letters
Earth Day Order: Alphabetizing Letters
Math Activities:
Grow a Tree: Joining Numbers to Make 10
Earth Day Lotto: Subtracting Numbers
Spring Clean Up: Composing Teen Numbers
I Love Earth: Writing Sums
Sight Word Reader:
Our Earth
Earth Day Word Wall
Writing Prompts: My Planet Earth
Art Projects:
The Earth is in Our Hands
Take Care of The Earth
I Love the Mountains
Earth Day
Earth Day: Ideas for the Day or Week
Total Pages: 75
“So practical and fun!”
“I love that I can find everything I need in one unit!”
“The games you created in this unit supported the activities we were doing in the classroom for Earth Day very well. I was able to teach about Earth Day and know I was meeting some common core standards.”