Halloween Early Reading Games

Halloween Early Reading Games
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Offer some Spooky Fun to your classroom using these "Developmentally Appropriate" learning games.
1. Haunted Fluency
Objective: Developing speed and fluency
2. Halloween ABC
Objective: Recognizing upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
3. Haunted House Syllables
Objective: Identifying word parts or syllables
4. Roll & Rhyme Halloween
Objective: Producing and generating rhyming words
5. Boo To You!
Objective: Identifying Uppercase Alphabet Letters
6. Bat & Spider Soup
Objective: Identifying alphabet letters
7. The Great Bat Hunt
Objective: Identifying, discriminating between, and matching alphabet letters
“I used this as a center and my students loved it. When it was time to rotate my students did not want to leave that center..;)”
“Another great resource! Sooo excited to use it again!”
“Great! Thanks so much for offering!”
“Thank you for a wonderful Halloween packet! My students will love them:)”