January Songs and Fingerplays

January Songs and Fingerplays
Also Available on TPT
Songs and Fingerplays for January
January is a great month to celebrate New Years, Winter, Mittens, Winter Sports, Arctic Animals, Weather, and Snowmen.
Using songs and fingerplays throughout the school day not only makes for a happier environment, it increases reading and math skills, and has proven effect on classroom management!
Litter your classroom with song and fingerplay posters, sing at the carpet, at transition time, as part of the curriculum, and well, anytime you fill like adding some extra happy to your day. Your students will also love singing during reading independent and free-choice times. They are also perfect for poetry studies and binders! * Be sure to find our podcast on iTunes for upcoming episodes using these songs.
Fifteen Songs Are Included
A New Year
Winter Time
I'm a Little Snowman
Belly Ball
Bundle Me Up
Fuzzy Mittens
Oh Where are My Mittens
Arctic Friends
North and the South Poles
Little Drops of Rain
The Weather
© Kathy Crane Kindergarten Kiosk
All of our thematic units contain songs to bring joy into your classroom. A few products I love to use in January are:
Winter Indépendant Writing Center Activities
Winter Sport Reading Intervention Games
Winter Guided Sight Word Readers Set 1
Winter Guided Sight Word Readers Set 2
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