Phonics Prep: Ending Sounds Worksheets

Phonics Prep: Ending Sounds Worksheets
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
This 34 page workbook, Part 2 in Phonics Prep Series, provides phonics practice that focuses on final sounds.
The consonants that are featured include: b, c, d, f, g, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, x, and z. Because of sound spellings, J and Z just have one page apiece. The remaining consonants have two pages devoted to final sounds.They include:
1) A final sound identification page
2)A missing letter page
The 10-part Phonics Prep Series is designed to meet the needs of early readers.
“Just what I was looking for! Thank you.”
“This is a great resource: important skills, easy to prep, and easy to use. Thank you! I’ve been buying the other sets as they come out. Looking forward to using them as students’ skills grow.”
“Great idea! Can’t wait to use it.”
“Very helpful.”