Little Red Riding Hood: Reader's Theater or Partner Play

Little Red Riding Hood: Reader's Theater or Partner Play
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Product Description
Little Red Riding Hood Readers Theater Script
These Readers Theaters are perfect for your Kindergarten, First Grade, Special Education, or ELL Level D and E readers!
Readers Theater is an activity that encourages fluent reading with expression and emotion. Young children love to read, practice, rehearse and perform these adorable little readers.
These readers theaters can easily be copied front and back, stapled (or spiral bound) on the sides to make little books that look just like professional scripts. Costume props are included to make character headbands.
As your students read their production of “Little Red Riding Hood." or other titles in our series, they will increase reading fluency rate, learn to retell stories and identify story elements, improve reading skills and develop the prosody that brings true joy to reading.
Purchase, print, line up the chairs and let the show begin!
© Kathy Crane Kindergarten Kiosk
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To use, copy the pages front to back. Cut the pages in half, and staple on the sides to make a book. Read the book in a guided reading group of four. After several readings, assign the students one of the character parts. Reread the book, teaching students to follow along and read only their part. Practice reading parts for several days to increase fluency. Have students cut out their character sign to prepare for a production. (Or gather costumes or make headbands if you wish). Line chairs up with the backs facing the audience with characters displayed on chair backs. Have students read their production of “Little Red Riding Hood."