February First Grade Homework Packet

February First Grade Homework Packet


Also available from Teachers Pay Teachers!

Are you looking for some great homework that is Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered? You will love this NO-PREP option.

This packet is intended to be copied and sent home with 1st grade students as a monthly homework packet during the month of February. It is an opportunity to practice early learning skills in the winter months of the school year. However, there are several other options for its use. Use in the classroom as center activities. Send home with students in other grades who may be targeted strategic learners. Use to reinforce skills with ELL students in all early grades. Use with preschool children who are working at an advanced level. Use the packet to teach early skills to a homeschooler. Use the activities to enrich your own children at home. Use to provide additional practice with special needs students. Use to prepare a child for higher learning.

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Read a Book: Little Valentines
Heart Bingo: Sight Words
Flashing Hearts: Sight Words
Don't Break My Heart: R-Controlled Game
My Valentines: Using received Valentines to extend learning
Dragon Dance: Reading fluently with expression
February Calendar: Handwriting and calendar practice

My students enjoyed all of these activities.
Love, love all of your homework packets!!!
Though I teach Kindergarten, I still have a couple of students capable of 1st grade homework! Very handy!
Really easy to use. Thanks!
March First Grade Homework Packet marchfirst1.jpg

March First Grade Homework Packet

Sale Price:$2.00 Original Price:$4.00
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