First Grade Monthly Homework Packets: Full Year Bundle

First Grade Monthly Homework Packets: Full Year Bundle
Product Description
Are you looking for some great homework or at-home work that is Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered and directly linked to standards? You will love this NO-PREP option.
Extend the learning each month by sending home or using with your own child, these early skills homework packets!
You can also use this packet as curriculum for First Grade students, a homeschool, preparation for your own child in a home setting, as intervention for ELL students or enrichment for Kindergarten students, and much more.
These packets are time-tested on hundreds of students. I can easily say that kids and parents LOVE them.
The Snowman: A book to read
Snowy Lotto: Identifying short and long vowel sounds
Winter Delivery: A sight word activity
Silent e Snowmen: Reading words with and without the silent e.
A Winter Wonderland: Decoding Words
Snowflake Swirl: A counting on activity
Snowman Clock: A math activity
Read a Book: Little Valentines
Heart Bingo: Sight Words
Flashing Hearts: Sight Words
Don't Break My Heart: R-Controlled Game
My Valentines: Using received Valentines to extend learning
Dragon Dance: Reading fluently with expression
February Calendar: Handwriting and calendar practice
Guided Reader: Out In Space
Mr. Spaceman: Conventions of Print
Blast Off: Reading Fry Phrases.
Race Through Space: More or Less
Alien Planet: Adding endings to base words
Decode it-Defeat it: Decoding long vowel words
Alien Snap: Number Combinations
The Early Bird: Phrase Fluency
Rain Rain Go Away: Vowel Digraphs
Flower Garden: Adding Prefixes
Bunny Hop: Adding Suffixes
Word Riddles: Phonemic Awareness
Number Hunt: Numbers
Baby Lambs: Addition using a 20-Frame
Guided Reader: Out In Space
Mr. Spaceman: Conventions of Print
Blast Off: Reading Fry Phrases.
Race Through Space: More or Less
Alien Planet: Adding endings to base words
Decode it-Defeat it: Decoding long vowel words
Alien Snap: Number Combinations
The Early Bird: Phrase Fluency
Rain Rain Go Away: Vowel Digraphs
Flower Garden: Adding Prefixes
Bunny Hop: Adding Suffixes
Word Riddles: Phonemic Awareness
Number Hunt: Numbers
Baby Lambs: Addition using a 20-Frame
Slithering Sentences: Sentence fluency
Frogger: A decoding game
Turtle Lotto: A synonym game
A Family of Ducks: A word family activity
May Calendar: A handwriting activity
Frog Eggs: A number activity
A May Day Story: A creative writing activity
Capture the Butterfly: A word family game
Mosquito Slap: A sight word game
Flower Garden: A sentence game
Lilypad Leap: A number line game
Ladybug Addition: An addition activity
Fly Away, Dragonfly: A subtraction activity
Across the Curriculum: A collection of fun learning activities
Friends at the Beach: A level J guided reader
Sand Castles: A sight word game
Summer Celebration: A sentence game
Diving For Words: Sight word recognition
Shell Addition: An addition activity
Beach Ball Subtraction: A subtraction activity
The Number Swim: Writing Numbers
The Jungle: A decodable book
ROAR!: A decoding game
Safari Sights: A sight word game
The Jungle: A writing activity
Around the Zoo: A sentence game
At the Zoo: A comprehension activity
The Zoo Parade: An addition game
Gorillas in Cages: A subtraction game
Decodable Book: What do I see
Soundasaurus: Blending and Segmenting Words
Dino Sight Words:Sight Words
Sound and Letter Fluency: Building Fluency
Don't Eat Skeet: Letter Sound Fluency
Read & Make Words: CVC Words
Dinosaur Addition: Reviewing Simple addition Skills.
Dino Number Match: Reviewing Number Words
Science: Erupting Volcanos
Handwriting: Dino Dirt
Haunted House: A syllable game
Boo to You: A sight word game
Spider Math: A math activity
Monster Cookies: A beginning sound activity
Dark Woods Math: A number game
No Tricks, Just Treats: A sort and graph activity
My Bear: A Guided Reading Book
Time to Hibernate: A Sight word Game
Star Gazing: A Blend/Digraph Sound Game
A Walk In the Woods: A Medial Sound Game
Letter Trace: Handwriting Activity
Bear Math: Variety of Math Activities
Number Bears: A Flashcard Activity
Christmas Time: Guided Reader
Christmas Tree: Blends
North Pole: Word Family Game
Christmas Tree: Addition
Sight Word Train: Fluency
Christmas Memory: Sight Word Game