July Preschool Homework

July Preschool Homework
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!Are you looking for some great homework that is Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered? You will love this NO-PREP option.
Skills will prepare early learners for upcoming kindergarten curriculum.
Rhyming Sunglasses: A rhyming activity
Summer Fun At the Zoo: An alphabet activity
Going Buggy: A number activity
Family Fun: A phonemic awareness activity
Starry Summer Night: A Vocabulary Activity
Beach Ball Count: A math activity
Shell Sort: A shape activity
“Wonderful product. I excited to use it this school year! It saves me a ton of time and I think it’s something practical that will help with parent child interaction at home. Thank you!”
“Worked great for end of the year packets!”
“Thank you for making this homework packet.”
“Great resource!”