Color Songs and Worksheets

Color Songs and Worksheets
Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
Color recognition is an important skill that is used in early math, science and reading activities. Students need to be able to identify and use a variety of colors from the first days of school onward.
Color word identification is also a basic skill; it provides a connection between a familiar item and the printed word. Learning to read color words helps students build a sight word bank and allows them to successfully complete many math and reading assignments.
This packet supports students learning to identify colors and/or color words. It features the basic eight colors plus three additional colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, white, pink and gray. The packet is divided into four parts:
Color Songs
Color Worksheets
Color Word Handwriting Pages
Color Word Flashcards
The color songs are set to familiar tunes. Copy the pages as they are, project them on a screen, or turn them into posters at a copy store. Singing the songs enhances the activities and reinforces recognition.
This packet can be used alone or as a supplement to Kindergarten Kiosk's unit, Color My World. Use part or all of the pages to introduce or review colors and their words. The color worksheets and handwriting pages can be completed at school or sent as homework. They can be used as individual pages or collated to make a colors workbook. An optional title page is included if you choose this option.
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