Sight Words and Sentences Activities

Sight Words and Sentences Activities
Also Available at Teachers Pay Teachers!
One of the goals of Phonics and Word Recognition is to help students build a bank of sight words. This packet contains seven activities that will do just that. All activities are strategically linked to the common core standards, highlighting RF.K.3c.
Contents include:
Dinosaur Friends: Reading High Frequency Words
Froggy School: Reading Sight Word Sentences
Butterfly Bonanza: Fluently Reading a Group of Sight Words
Jungle Friends: Fluently Reading Hight Frequency Words
Munch, Munch, Munch: Reading High Frequency Words and Fry Phrase Sentences
Sight Word Bugs: Reading High Frequency Words
Sight Word Worksheets
“Great idea! Can’t wait to use it.”
“Kathy, you are a genius! Love your creativity.”
“Great stuff!”