The Three Bears Thematic Unit

The Three Bears Thematic Unit


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Product Description

The Three Bears Thematic Unit will thrill the students in your classroom or homeschool setting.

Who doesn't love The Three Bears! This thematic unit includes fun and engaging time-tested activities. Most are linked strategically to academic Core Standards.

Contents include: 

Shared Reading Lessons

Three Brown Bears: Analyzing Directionality and Word Spelling

Story Element Cards: Analyzing Key Details

Literacy Activities:

A Bowl of Porridge: Naming Letters (Alternate: Decoding Words)

Rhyming Friends: Matching Rhymes

Goldie Comes to Visit: Blending Phonemes into Words

Bear School: Speaking Complete Sentences

Math Activities:

Bear Play: Decomposing Numbers less than 10

Porridge Yum Plus One: Adding one to create a sum that is one larger

Race in the Woods: Comparing Numbers

Sweet Baby Bear: Counting Forward

Three Bear Number Hunt: Writing Numerals to match quantity.

Goldilocks Goes to School: Identifying quantity using Ten-Frames and writing numerals

Art Projects

Three Bear Construct


Three Bear Puppets


Three Bear Word Wall

I Can Label It

I Can Write a Story

Writing Prompts: 

The Three Bears


Social Studies

My Family: A Family Home-Connection Sheet

Guided Reading Books

The Three Bears (Two Levels)



Three Brown Bears

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Folk Tale Reader's Theater Bundle

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Contents include:

Shared Reading Lessons:
Three Brown Bears: Analyzing Directionality and Word Spelling
Story Element Cards: Analyzing Key Details

Literacy Activities:
A Bowl of Porridge: Naming Letters (Alternate: Decoding Words)
Rhyming Friends: Matching Rhymes
Goldie Comes to Visit: Blending Phonemes into Words
Bear School: Speaking Complete Sentences

Math Activities:
Bear Play: Decomposing Numbers less than 10
Porridge Yum Plus One: Adding one to create a sum that is one larger
Race in the Woods: Comparing Numbers
Sweet Baby Bear: Counting Forward
Three Bear Number Hunt: Writing Numerals to match quantity.
Goldilocks Goes to School: Identifying quantity using Ten-Frames and writing numerals

Art Projects:
Three Bear Construct
Three Bear Puppets

Three Bear Word Wall
I Can Label It
I Can Write a Story
Writing Prompts:
The Three Bears

Social Studies:
My Family: A Family Home-Connection Sheet

Guided Reading Book:
The Three Bears (Two Levels)

Three Brown Bears

Total Pages: 111

Great additiion to our fairy tales unit. Thanks!
Fantastic resource! Merci!
Just what I needed!
Great Resource!
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Apple Thematic Unit

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Arctic and Antarctic Activities Math Literacy Science and More

Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$8.00
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The Mitten Thematic Unit

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Fairy Tale Thematic Unit

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Folk Tale Thematic Unit
