Developing Fine Motor Skills


One of the major undertakings of childhood is the development of fine motor skills. A child’s small muscles that control finger, thumb, and hand motion needs to strengthen as they grow and develop. With this strengthening comes the skills to feed oneself, zip a zipper, throw a ball, and move easily to more complex muscle using skills, which, in turn, provide a child with confidence and independence.

Play is a great way to build small muscles! Provide a child with play dough, blocks, beads to string, puzzles and art supplies and you have an easy way to develop important skills. More targeted practice will further increase a child’s fine motor strength.

One of my favorite ways to begin the kindergarten year is by working on fine motor skills while I teach the children proper care and use of classroom tools such as paper, glue, and scissors. I have developed a unit of easy to use activities that can be used to develop a child’s confidence by using these fine motor activities. Each category begins with novice activities and then moves forward in complexity; aiding development.

Super important in the beginning of kindergarten!

Great practice for my students. Thanks!

Extremely satisfied

Helpful for my students that need the extra practice. Thanks!

Table of Contents:

Cutting with Scissors:

Help the Airplane Fly

Chugging Train

Astronaut Journey

Alien Adventure

Frog Hop

In the Pond, Dragonfly

Robots I

Robots II

Vroom I

Vroom II

Cowboys I

Cowboys II

Cutting Shapes I

Cutting Shapes II

Using Glue

Glue Practice

Gluing Zig Zag

Glue a Star

Glue a Smile

Glue a Robot

Glue a Bear

Glue a Tree

Glue a House

Drawing Practice

Dot to Dot 

Drawing Vertical Lines 

Drawing Horizontal Lines

Drawing Curve Lines

Drawing Circles

Drawing, Cutting, & Gluing

Make a Tree

Make a Car

Make a Castle

Make a Dog

Make a Bird

Make a Person