Summer Homework Calendar
Are you looking for summer homework that will actually add to a child's summer rather than simply providing fuel for a summer marshmallow roast! Consider an easy to make summer homework calendar to keep kindergarten skills practiced and prevent the summer slide in a parent-friendly way!
The Kindergarten Summer Homework Calendar is one of my favorite, most useful products. As a parent, I wanted summer homework that was scheduled, quick, and meaningful. From that desire, I created this Summer Homework Calendar (June, July, and August) for my students and their families to enjoy! You can pick it up at the TPT Store or at our squarespace store below.
This easy to make calendar offers ideas for parents to keep academic skills sharp during summer months in a very user-friendly way. *It has offerings that will work for any year. and has both color and black and white options.
Simply copy the calendar, add a class photograph, bind, and your students will have 3 months of productive summer fun and an adorable calendar to hang.