Easy Portfolio Memory Keepsakes

A portfolio is a sampling of information relating to a child’s developmental progress in a school (or home) setting. Portfolios contain work samples that are representative of where a child is at a particular time. It clearly shows development as it continues throughout the school year. A portfolio is an effective assessment tool that authentically documents a child’s progress and serves as a great reporting tool as well.

I have used portfolios for over two decades. They have not only proven to be effective assessment tools, but I have found them to be very popular with parents and students alike. Furthermore, they continue to be loved throughout the years. (I have had students graduating from college bring them back for me to sign!)

Memory books are also a great tool to keep “favorite” school memories alive. We have merged the memory book idea and included it as part of the portfolio system. This keeps the documentation of student growth fun and interesting to the student along the way.


If you are interested in a step-by-step "How-To" on setting up a portfolio, you might want to read more here.

Using a Portfolio Template

We offer two portfolio products that have been built for flexibility!

There are seven choices of portfolio covers and binder end tags provided for all grades -- Preschool, Pre-K, K and 1st. There are color and black and white options included. 

The product is divided into sections: Beginning of the year essentials, month by month work samples, pages to use throughout the year to document memories, and an end of the year section. 

We extend this basic portfolio template by including math and science work samples.

Using these two products in tandem, adding photo pages such as the ones below (I add about 2 a month), you will have a treasure for your students to take home at the end of the school year.

These portfolio helps are available at our Teachers Pay Teachers Store by clicking on the product covers below, or you may purchase them at the bottom of the page here, at our Squarespace store. For more information on portfolios, you can listen to our podcast episode!





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Bundle is 6.00


