Teaching Young Children to Write and Spell Their Name & Names of Others

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Children who are in the early stages of literacy development are well served if they are familiarized with the letters that make up their own names. This will not only provide an important link between speech and print, it will help them attend to sequencing, orientation and details within the construction of a word. Repetitive practice will not only allow students to master proper handwriting conventions, but will establish a word-meaning connection. Expanding from one’s own name to the names of others will add to the learning!

I particularly love do name activities as part of the morning meeting as the classroom is being established at the beginning of the year. Using this Name chart game will also fulfill Common Core standards RF K1 and RF K.1.D. Demonstrating the understanding of print organization and features as well as recognition of alphabet letters.

To do the activity, you can prepare the cards or simply print the cards found in our name packet below.

Next, prepare a pocket chart with the selected student name on top and then one job and icon in each succeeding pocket.

Choose a different student daily or weekly. (You may want to tie this to your star student, friend of the day, helper, or caboose). To do the activity. Chose the student. Place the name card at the top, and another cut as a puzzle at the bottom. Complete the activities, one by one. As a name is completed, put the name and puzzle in a manilla envelope, labeled with the student’s name or picture and keep near the pocket chart for student independent practice. This is a very popular independent center!

To find the other 16 activities for teaching names, you might be interested in the complete packet.

Table of Contents:

Water Cap Names: Ordering letters in names and transferring knowledge. 

Name Puzzles: Building familiarity with alphabet letters and their function when spelling one's own name.

Name Cheer: (A variation of Name Puzzles): Identifying and sequencing the letters in names. 

Shave a Name: Using correct handwriting technique to write names.

Rainbow Names: Spelling and writing names.

The "Nameapillar": Ordering letters in names.

Trace A Name: Tracing names using correct letter formation. 

Name Fishing: Reading the names of classmates, then sorting according to beginning capital letter.

Name Dictionary: Alphabetizing classmates' names.

Names: A Guided Reading Book

Name Fun: Ten Additional Name Conquering Ideas

Name Game: Studying names of classmates

Name Chart: Studying names in a Morning Meeting routine

Mosaic Names: Spelling and writing names

Name Necklace: Spelling name

Spell-a-Name: Spelling own name and names of others.

Purchase the product directly at our Squarespace store or on TPT by clicking on the icon below.
