March Preschool Homework Packet

March Preschool Homework Packet


Also available at Teachers Pay Teachers!

Are you looking for some great homework that is Developmentally Appropriate and Child Centered? You will love this NO-PREP option.

Extend the learning at home by using this great home/school connection packet. Or use with your own at-home preschooler to prepare for kindergarten.

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Contents Include:
Weather Rhymes
The Alphabet U-X
Numbers 8-10
Rain Clouds: Alphabet Letters
Weather Patterns: Patterning
Color Flashcards: Color Identification
The Rectangle: A shape activity

Thank you! My students love it.
Kids are doing and enjoying their homework every month!! Thanks for creating these :)
Wonderful product. I excited to use it this school year! It saves me a ton of time and I think it’s something practical that will help with parent child interaction at home. Thank you!
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May Preschool Homework Packet

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September Preschool Homework Packet

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December Preschool Homework Packet

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November Preschool Homework Packet

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February Preschool Homework Packet
